Plan for Assessment
Plan Heading link

1. Review the learning outcomes
Discuss your unit’s cocurricular student learning outcomes with your team and either reaffirm that the outcomes are still valuable and relevant for your unit/department/UIC or edit the outcomes to reflect changes in the current program context/previous assessment findings.
2. Develop Assessment Plan
- Choose 1 unit-level cocurricular learning outcome for assessment.
- Review a schedule of your program/unit activities for the academic year, identify relevant activities where the selected learning outcome is expected to be developed within students.
- Determine appropriate assessment methodology, develop/update the outcome assessment tools, and plan accordingly to conduct the student learning assessment.
- Assign individuals responsible for conducting assessment.
3. Conduct assessment of the student learning
Assigned individuals conduct the assessment of the student learning outcome, and document the evidence of student learning.
4. Submit the Findings Report
Analyze and interpret the evidence of student learning collected in the previous step, based on the findings identify specific actions which will further enhance student learning, and submit the Findings Report using the Qualtrics link shared by ORSS via email.
5. Implement the changes using the Findings Report
Using the Findings Report plan and implement the recommended actions to promote student learning within your program/activity to address areas of improvement or build upon existing strengths.
6. Submit Implementation Report using the Qualtrics link shared by ORSS via email.